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Natural Remedies for Scleroderma Cope the Symptoms

· Scleroderma

Natural Remedies for Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a group of rare diseases that involve the hardening and tightening of the skin and connective tissues. Scleroderma affects women more often than men and most commonly occurs between the ages of 30 and 50. While there is no cure for scleroderma, a variety of treatments can ease symptoms and improve quality of life. Managing its symptoms can help a great help with Natural Remedies for Scleroderma. Keep reading to find out how you can do that.

There are many different types of scleroderma. In some people, scleroderma affects only the skin. But in many people, scleroderma also harms structures beyond the skin, such as blood vessels, internal organs and the digestive tract (systemic scleroderma). Signs and symptoms vary, depending on which type of scleroderma you have. Although there is no one treatment plan for every patient with scleroderma, certain Herbal Remedies for Scleroderma can help to minimize the damage to specific affected organs. However, the following Natural Remedies for Scleroderma may be useful for individuals looking to manage this condition.


Natural Herbal Remedies for Scleroderma

Here are some natural herbal remedies for scleroderma to relieve the emotional and physical symptoms of scleroderma in a natural herbal way. The methods of Natural Treatment for Scleroderma depend on the patient’s type and severity of the condition. Natural remedies for scleroderma help in reliving the signs and symptoms of scleroderma. Hence quality of life is improved. Natural remedies for scleroderma help to treat the body fatigue by removing the accumulated toxins in the body.

Vitamin D

You Will Need:

  • 10-100 mcg vitamins D

What You Have To Do:

  • Consume 10-100 mcg of vitamin D.
  • You can either consume foods rich in vitamin D like fatty fish, cheese, and egg yolk or take supplements for it.
  • Consult a doctor before taking supplements.

How Often You Should Do This:

  • Do this on a daily basis.

Why This Works:

Vitamin D exhibits immunomodulatory, antifibrotic, and cardioprotective effects and is a great way to manage the symptoms of scleroderma. Most sclerodermic individuals are also deficient in vitamin D, thus signifying the need for its supplementation.

Peppermint Oil

You Will Need:

  • 6 drops of peppermint oil
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil (or any other carrier oil)

What You Have To Do:

  • Add six drops of peppermint oil to a teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Mix well and apply it to the affected area.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes or overnight.
  • Rinse it off.
  • Alternatively, you can inhale the pleasant aroma of the oil using a diffuser.

How Often You Should Do This:

  • You can do this 1 to 2 times daily.

Why This Works:

Peppermint oil has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on inflamed and swollen skin due to the presence of menthol. Scleroderma Natural Treatment can also help alleviate symptoms of pain.

Lavender Oil

You Will Need:

  • 6 drops of lavender oil
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil (or any other carrier oil)

What You Have To Do:

  • Add six drops of lavender oil to a teaspoon of any carrier oil.
  • Mix well and apply it to the affected skin.
  • Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes or preferably overnight.
  • Rinse it off.
  • You can also inhale the pleasant aroma of lavender oil using a diffuser.

How Often You Should Do This:

  • You can do this 1 to 2 times daily.

Why This Works:

With its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, it is no surprise that lavender oil works wonderfully in treating the pain and inflammation that surface with scleroderma. It also relieves stress.


You Will Need:

  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 glass of hot milk or water

What You Have To Do:

  • Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of hot milk or water.
  • Mix well.
  • Drink the solution.
  • You can also apply a paste made of turmeric and water to the affected skin and leave it on for a few minutes.

How Often You Should Do This:

  • You can do this once daily.

Why This Works:

Turmeric is a rich source of curcumin. Supplementation with curcumin was observed to suppress the fibrotic process leading to the overproduction of collagen and the development of scleroderma


You Will Need:

  • 1-2 peeled garlic cloves

What You Have To Do:

  • Take one to two garlic cloves and cut them.
  • Rub the cut garlic on the affected area.
  • Leave it on for at least 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing it off.

How Often You Should Do This:

  • Do this once daily.

Why This Works:

While consumption of garlic can worsen symptoms of GERD associated with scleroderma, its topical application can work wonders in relieving the inflammation and swelling of the skin.


You Will Need:

  • 1-2 inches of ginger
  • 1 cup of hot water

What You Have To Do:

  • Add 1 to 2 inches of ginger to a cup of hot water.
  • Steep for 5 to 10 minutes and strain.
  • Drink the hot tea.

How Often You Should Do This:

  • You can drink ginger tea 2 to 3 times daily.

Why This Works:

Ginger has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help inhibit pain-producing prostaglandins in your body, thus helping you manage the symptoms of scleroderma.

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Lifestyle and Home Remedies

You can take a number of home remedies for scleroderma to help manage your symptoms of scleroderma:

Stay Active: Exercise keeps your body flexible, improves circulation and relieves stiffness. Range-of-motion exercises can help keep your skin and joints flexible.

Protect your Skin: Take good care of dry or stiff skin by using lotion and sunscreen regularly. Avoid hot baths and showers and exposure to strong soaps and household chemicals, which can irritate and further dry out your skin.

Don't Smoke: Nicotine causes blood vessels to contract, making Raynaud's disease worse. Smoking can also cause permanent narrowing of your blood vessels, and cause or exacerbate lung problems. Quitting smoking is difficult — asks your doctor for help.

Manage Heartburn: Avoid foods that give you heartburn or gas. Also avoid late-night meals. Elevate the head of your bed to keep stomach acid from backing up into your esophagus as you sleep. Antacids may help relieve symptoms.

Protect yourself from the Cold: Wear warm mittens for protection anytime your hands are exposed to cold — even when you reach into a freezer. When you're outside in the cold, cover your face and head and wear layers of warm clothing.

Natural remedies for scleroderma provide effective and best results on scleroderma patient. Natural remedies for Scleroderma offers a group of various herbs that are used for the scleroderma patients. Do help him get some relief from its symptoms. For more visit Herbs Solutions By Nature. The combination of natural remedies for scleroderma uses to treat signs and symptoms of the affected person.

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